Monday, February 21, 2005

Forgive me a moment of soppiness

I've been pouring the Scissor Sisters album directly into my ears like delicious disco custard all this weekend. Yes, I know I'm about year behind, and boy, did I hate Comfortably Numb when I first heard it. But now I realise the error of my ways. I also realise that what I actually hate is Pink Floyd (pfft - pretentious, melodramatic waffle). And that Jake Spears is some kind of deity.

It is so exquisitely put together that I can't even bear to skip back my favourite tracks, or play them on a loop like a mentalist. The album makes me look back with a big smile on every Sunday morning I've spent getting my dancing shoes mucky with all the gays and gals, the freaks, the swinging has-beens, the teens and the part-time drag queens. Even though I did actually go to HomeBase this weekend.

I'm kind of hooked on Filthy/Gorgeous, and how I hope it's true that Scissor Sisters is slang for a lesbian sex act.

And the soppiness - Mary MADE ME CRY on the train this morning. Because it reminds me of how Andrew (reason for blog) looked after me when I had my heart broken. I'm not entirely sure if he loves the tone that's in my laugh, or indeed if he would be mad keen on the idea of forgetting all the things that bring him joy if I could have one day of pure and simple happiness. But I kind of think he would have done, at the time. And I don't know what that song is really about, but to my ears, it sounds like a love song from a fag to his troubled hag. And that's some of the best love a girl can have. Sniff.


Blogger Christopher said...

Such a brilliant album. I think that the bands name is a reference to the lesbian sex act, but also to Jake's surname.

I went to see them three times in NYC (where they aren't really that famous) in pub venues. You could actually reach out and touch Jake's glistening, taught torso. Probably.

1:42 PM  

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