Sunday, March 11, 2007

Blog: out of order

Out of order
Originally uploaded by LizzieCatt.
Oh, and Flickr is making me sign up to Yahoo, which I also can't use at work. So, thanks, Blogger and Flickr, for being so totally and uttering rubbish and spoiling my fun. Bah.

Apologies for the break in service!

Blogger made me switch to a Google account which I can’t get onto at work, and quite frankly it’s all a bit of a disaster. I’ve even had things to say that weren’t about food or failed attempts to get fit. Forgotten what they were now though. So anyway, I just had some pitta bread and didn’t go out for a run. Might have some Boasters in a minute. Mmm.

I don’t actually have time to post now, hopefully I’ll figure out a way to do it soon but as anything Googley seems to be blocked and I can’t get in through Flickr any more, I’m not really sure how.

Any suggestions?

‘king internet. Pfft.