Tuesday, January 24, 2006

How do you spell stoopid?

I've been puzzling over a Virgin Atlantic ad on the tube for a couple of weeks now.

There's a red background, the company's name and some blurb about online check-in. The only illustration is two computer keys - a Y, and a Q.

It's part of a series of adverts and I totally got all the others straight away. I like to think of myself as reasonably bright and concluded that there must have been some kind of fuck-up at the ad agency because the advert was beyond me, therefore surely wrong/not funny.

I even mulled over whether or not there had been a market research group and how the hell they had passed something so nonsensical.

Last night, I went out for dinner with Andrew, otherwise known as Good Enough To Eat. After a delightfully cheap (he paid) and healthy veggie meal of pulses, sprouting stuff and dribbly honey, we boarded the tube clutching fresh cream chocolate eclairs (he paid).

"I don't get that advert," I mumbled through a mouthful of choux pastry.
"Do you?"

And he glanced at it, then at me, and did that slight-tippy-head-quizzical-eyebrows thing that means "Yes you fuckwit, of course I do - and why, prey tell, don't you?"

Which was bad, because I'm pretty sure that he already thinks he's cleverer than me.

As soon as I saw the Mocking Eyebrows of Judgement, I knew in a second that it was an advert for online checking in asking "Why Queue?" in a fashion that was witty but not really all that difficult to comprehend.

It is not fun to embarrass yourself in front of friends, even friends who you know a good few pretty embarrassing stories about.

So let me just say this. Once, I saw Andrew wearing one red stripy sock and one navy one, and both of them had holes in.

Oh yeah, I feel better now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medically, I'm a jeaneous.

9:54 AM  

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