Friday, September 15, 2006


I was just dragged away from my work for a spot of "modelling". This entailed lending my hurriedly-made up face, dreary end-of-the-week-no-exciting-clothes-clean outfit and embarrassed grimace to the company.

A male colleague and myself were taken to a near-by pub and photographed "enjoying" an all-day breakfast (him), sausage and mash (me), and two fake glasses of wine. There were lots of flies in the pub, who seemed to have their little hearts set walking around on his bacon. Which was a crying shame, as that was the only bit I wanted to eat, it being 11am and me just having finished my breakfast.

I heroically ate one of my sausages cos it was free. It wasn't very nice.


Blogger Evan said...

Fake wine? What kind of fun is that?

1:49 PM  

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