Friday, July 01, 2005

A Brief History of Blog

So this morning on the train, I say, "If you get bored at work today, you do know I've got a blog, don't you?"

And he says: "A what?"

"A blog," I say.

A quizzical look.

"A web log, like an online diary? A sort of website... thing," I say.

And then, "Oh dear."

I think this is more cringe-worthy than introducing someone to your mum and dad. J, this is the blog. A collection of utterly pointless and self-important drivel, written by me and narcissistically placed on the internet for other people to read. Sometimes funny, often ill thought through, always full of errors.

This is where the whole blogging thing began for me.

Work Hate was actually quite funny. It was a collaboration with Drew, and people still seem to like it. But we don't hate work any more, so we stopped. Drew's site was clearly the inspiration for this one, I wanted to be able to witter on at him while he was living in New Zealand, which is in the future so it's difficult to communicate with people who are there. So I made this.

Drew's friend Christopher has a brilliant blog, and another great blog was Belle de Jour, that diary of a London call girl that arguably brought the forum into the public consciousness last year. Not your consciousness though, apparently. Belle made blogging (geeky) appealing, by writing rather explicitly about having sex for money (sexy). After she won a book deal, Belle had millions of wannabe writers scrabbling for their keyboards to set up blogger accounts, and millions more PRs trying to convince their clients that blogs were the latest whizz-bang form of communication. However, that last bit is mostly bollocks.

Although, I am informed that a mention on a very popular blog can do wonders for a product, and that some political blogs in the US wield so much influence that some writers were paid off during the last presidential election to write kind things.

I've got *blush* 30 blogs on my favourites bar, including Londonist, Defamer, Low Culture, Dooce and Go Fug Yourself. Oh, and Gordon Dioxide was good.

As you may have realised by now, I even know a little basic html. I really hope that, and all this, doesn't put you off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't put me off in the slightest :)

1:26 AM  

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