Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Makes... no... sense.... gah...

When I was little, there was no doubt in my mind about how my parents' big hi-fi worked. There were little men inside it, playing instruments. End of. How the hell else would they get the music to come out? Pfft.

As I grew up, my father (who studied physics, is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and knows how to craft thingies that make square radio waves go curly and thingies that fade records in and out), patiently attempted to explain to his eldest child how Stuff works. How engines move cars, how the music gets into the tape and then out of the tape, into the speaker, and into my head, and (every time I went on holiday) what the hell kind of voodoo cloud Velcro it is that keeps aeroplanes in the sky.

Despite his laboured explanations, the answer to all of these is clearly magic, because nothing else makes sense. Yes, the wing is a certain shape so the air rushing under travels more slowly than the air travelling over it, but AEROPLANES ARE REALLY HEAVY. However, I had kind of accepted that there were no little men wearing evening dress living in the stereo with a selection of tiny instruments, ready to play whatever music was required.

Until I saw THIS. How the hell do you explain THIS?

It's enough to make a girl curl up into a ball and rock.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I used to wonder where the actors sat inside the TV when the other actors came on because you changed the channel. I wasn't allowed to get behind the TV and look. Bastards!

Also, how short is that guy??? Looks like he's a foot and a half tall.

10:37 AM  

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