Monday, May 16, 2005

Right hand side malfunction

Two of the key accessories I employ to keep the right hand side of my body ticking over have malfunctioned.

My right boot has split at the sole, and my right contact lens decided this morning to become truculent and unwearable. It is currently floating in disgrace in a pot, while I squint, cover my sore eye, and attempt to fashion my fringe into some kind of patch until I can hop home and put my glasses on.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have to go to the opticians to collect an emergency pair of lenses, and to the shoe shop to try and get an emergency pair of boots. Which means I am going to have to try really hard to convince the manager of Office that it is not normal for soles to split on £85 boots after five poxy months, without:

Bursting into tears
Storming off

Begone red mist, I heed not your call to unreasonableness, even in the face of great injustice and sudden absence of work footwear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once rang the optometrist from a grimy phone box at Town Hall to complain that my new contacts were absolute crap. After listening to several minutes of enraged description of how crap they were, the optometrist said, "Don't wear your glasses over them" and hung up.

I was found dead from mortification.

I currently have a large blister and small bank balance which throb in empathy for your malfunctions.

12:37 AM  

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