Friday, April 01, 2005


When I woke up this morning feeling less than glamorous, I should have known.

When my hair kinked and frizzed, my skin opted for dull, and my unused second ear-piercing went mysteriously bright red, I should have known.

For round our way, that can mean only one thing.

It means that a senior co-worker is going to pounce, and send you packing at a moment's notice to a corner of the building, where a photographer lies in wait.

And there, he shall take out his big camera and snap many images of you grinning self-consciously and doing something ridiculous.

(Today, I was supposed to be cheerfully consuming a biscuit, whilst inexplicably holding a cup of tea up to my head. I smiled broadly, and attempted to twinkle. End result - double chin, moronic gaping beam, squinty eyes.)

Then the picture people shall select the wrongest of all the images, and they shall publish them for all to see.

Thank god I managed to wait until afterwards to dribble tea down myself.

Still. Beats working for a living.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL. It gives me a warm comforting glow (which no doubt would glow like rudolph's nose in a photo) to know I'm not the only one who photographs that badly.

1:12 AM  
Blogger Christopher said...

But it's ok, because you have power of veto and digital airbrushing built into your contract, right? You do have those, don't you?

12:57 PM  

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