Wednesday, December 15, 2004


David Blunkett is resigning due to allegations that he fast-tracked his lover's nanny's visa application. It really fucks me off when politicians are hounded out of office for being slimy, corrupt shaggers.

What sense is there in sacking one corrupt shagger who is good at a job, only to replace them with another corrupt shagger who hasn't been caught yet? The world is full of people having affairs and acting dubiously - and you can bet that the people who are so determined to get him out of office are just as bad. Now the country is going to lose a politician with talent for no real reason - preposterous.

I don't even LIKE David Blunkett, but I don't see why the country should have to put up with a sub-standard home secretary because the last one was stupid enough to get caught shagging some silly, manipulative, slack-moralled posh bint and speeding through her nanny's (legal) visa application.

No, I don't agree with his behaviour. He should be humiliated for it. But his punishment should be to carry on in his highly public role, not to slink off to the back benches with his tail between his legs.


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